Tarantula Hike

posted in: Opportunities, T200 Outings | 0

Hello Troop 200

Imagine and it will happen! These words came alive on Saturday evening, October 10. The “seed of thought” planted by T200G Claire R “emerged into action” through the leadership of T200G SPL, Jeanette L. The 7 mile hike led by Jeanette was indeed a refreshing time of year as we continue to say farewell to the heat waves and look toward the cooler months. Scouts and their parents, 21 in total including the four-legged tail-wagging Kiki hiked with healthy smiles and strides. T200G Scouts included Jeanette L (SPL), Elise F (PL), Claire S, Nia H, and T200B Scouts included Tristen K, Will T, Noah H, Makoto K, Quincy P. Also, thanks to all the parents and the ASMs for making this possible.


Scouts: T200G – Jeanette L (SPL), Elise F (PL), Claire S, Nia H; 200B – Tristen K, Will T, Noah H, Makoto K, Quincy P

Adults and siblings: Anthony T (ASM), Paul S (ASM), Russell S (ASM), Matt and Kay P, Rob and Lizzy L (Jeanette’s sister), Athena K, Jeremy K, David H, Dave and Tena M, Sunita H (SM T200G)

Dog: Kiki L (Jeanette’s pet). Note: Spotted lots of tarantula burrows and look forward to seeing tarantulas on our next hike