October is SALES month

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October is SALES month for Troop 200 so it follows we will be offering Salesmanship MB during the month of October.

Merit badge classes will be offer 6:30p to 7:00p before troop meetings. For exact dates and to sign-up to take this merit badge class click on the image below.

Meeting Schedule for Class: (these are the correct dates)
1st Class (at troop church before meeting): Tuesday 6:30pm-7pm October 17th (MUST bring the attached workbook with you)
2nd Class: (at troop church before meeting): Tuesday 6:30pm-7pm October 24th (MUST bring the attached workbook with you)
3rd Final Class: (at troop church before meeting): Tuesday 6:30pm-7pm November 7th (MUST bring the attached workbook with you). One on one meeting to make sure you have finished all requirements.


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