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October 24, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday is a Halloween theme meeting. Dress up in your costumes and come for games and a costume contest with prizes. There will be trail head before the meeting from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Any Scout working on requirements up to First Class should come with their books to get signed off.
Tuesday is also the last day to sign up for the Pinnacles NP rock climbing adventure. Specific details about the outing will go out to all participants immediately following the meeting. All scouts cooking on the outing should bring your menus with you to the meeting so that SM Weyland can approve it. For those working on First Class cooking and the cooking merit badge you will also need a shopping list and a duty roster. The duty roster can be done after the cooking groups have been assigned.
Parents, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE PROCESS OF ADVANCEMENT IN THE TROOP? Come to the meeting Tuesday for a parents meeting about advancement. This will also be an opportunity to ask Committee Chair Everly and SM Weyland any questions you may have about the troop and scouting in general. All are welcome to attend.
To Parents of New Scouts,Tenderfoot, Second or First Class Scouts (generally 6th and 7th grade parents):
On Tuesday, we will be holding parent meeting (at the same time as the regular meeting.) We highly encourage at least one parent from each family to attend this meeting. Take this opportunity to meet other new families. Get to know our uniformed leaders and troop committee members and learn what their roles are in the troop. Our adults leaders, in turn, can get to know you a little better too.
Please note, previously, there was not a meeting scheduled on Oct. 24, but the PLC has decided to hold a meeting that night. There will not be a meeting on Halloween, October 31.