October is SALES month

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October is SALES month for Troop 200 so it follows we will be offering Salesmanship MB during the month of October. Merit badge classes will be offer 6:30p to 7:00p before troop meetings. For exact dates and to sign-up to … Continued


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POPCORN FUNDRAISER IS HERE! Popcorn sales have started. Last week, order forms were distributed at the meeting. If a scout was not in attendance, have them check their mail folder for a copy of the order form. This is the … Continued


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July 9-15 on Shaver Lake about 3.5 hours away. 40-merit badge program, full ropes course. Space is limited. Now that summer 2016 has come to a close it is time to start looking ahead to summer 2017 and going to … Continued

XTREME Snow Camping

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XTREME Snow Camping, March Ski or snowshow about three miles from Royal Gorge to camp at 7,000 feet. Follow link for more information and to sign up: Click Here

Snow Camping Sign-Up

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It is time to sign up for the snow camping trip on February 25th and 26th. Depart: Saturday, 2/25, meet 7:30 am at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Return: Sunday, 2/26, approx. 3:00 pm at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church This will … Continued

White Stag Leadership

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Sunday July 9 at 9 a.m. to Saturday July 15 at 1 p.m. Camp Cole-Lake Sterling Tahoe National Forest Registration limited to 100 candidates Follow this link For information:  whitestagsierra.org