Troop 200 Online Store

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This is the place to purchase Troop 200 Gear. Beyond gear, you also have the option to pay for outings and other items. Use the link below to check it out.


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– Medical Forms Part A & B. (Scout will be covered for one night overnights and outings for the year.) – Copy of the front and back of your family’s medical insurance card – Driver’s Pledge. We’d like to … Continued

Ski Weekend

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Heidelmann Lodge weekend is Troop 200’s biggest family outing of the year and is taking place on Jan. 20-22. You have the option of arriving Friday evening or Saturday morning. Your whole family is invited to join us for a … Continued

Pinnacles 2016

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  The Pinnacles outing was great, so says Edward L. Many pictures were taken of this event. Scroll through the few we posted here. (photos by Edward L.)